The Reluctant Missionary

Authentic stories from the travels of Michael Smalley.

Anchor your relationship in joy marriage spiritual growth the joy of difficult conversations Aug 20, 2020

What is the scariest movie, human, animal, or story for you? Me, it is Poltergeist reigning supreme at the top of my list. Perhaps tied with the freaking shark from Jaws, I still struggle swimming i...

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The power of a sacred pause conflict management marriage the joy of difficult conversations Aug 18, 2020

"The most important thing in life is to stop saying 'I wish' and start saying 'I will.' Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities." Charles Dickens wrote that, and this we...

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4 repulsive reactions you have to stop now conflict management marriage podcast the joy of difficult conversations Aug 17, 2020

Repulsive.  Just saying the word out loud should get your attention. "Arousing intense distaste or disgust." The Urban Dictionary defines repulsive as, "Something or someone that is gross and provokes...

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The one thing you can't do conflict management marriage podcast the joy of difficult conversations Aug 14, 2020

When is the last time you heard, "You never do anything! I have to do everything around here!" Or at least some version of an irritated, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, or disgusting statement of fa...

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How about trying NOT being a jerk conflict management marriage the joy of difficult conversations Aug 13, 2020

Move from adversaries to teammates. The first three minutes of a difficult conversation matter:

In a six-year longitudinal study performed by John Gottman and Sybil Carrère, they discovered that

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Move from adversaries to teammates conflict management marriage the joy of difficult conversations Aug 12, 2020

The first three minutes

  • In a six-year longitudinal study performed by John Gottman and Sybil Carrère, they discovered that they could predict the likelihood of a couple’s divorce by observing jus
  • ...
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The joy of difficult conversations conflict management marriage the joy of difficult conversations Aug 11, 2020

The joy of difficult conversations will lead you to the marriage you want. 

25 years of missing out on the true joy resulting from pain

  • I didn’t want to feel Judgment, condemnation, controlled,
  • ...
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How to have a difficult conversation conflict management marriage Aug 10, 2020

“In a world where great risks can bring extraordinary rewards, Tom Mullen has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams...” Now I hear it, I’ll never make it as a movie trailer voiceover guy, like that on...

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Ever feel flooded in an argument? Aug 06, 2020

Feeling flooded in tough conversations is miserable! Don't miss out on August 7th from 7pm to 9pm when I share the best thing I've ever learned to do when my heart rate gets too high in an argument.

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Never Quit Never Surrender - The Warrior's Marriage marriage podcast the warriors marriage Aug 04, 2020

Your marriage is hard, now get over it

I’m continuing in the series, The Warriors Marriage, today is perhaps the simplest concept and the hardest way to be a warrior in your marriage. Your marriage...

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Weapons of Mass Destruction - The Warrior's Marriage Part 2 marriage the warriors marriage Jul 27, 2020

Welcome, “Today is the 2nd part of my series on the warrior’s marriage, and you’re not going to like’ll eventually like it but first I have to shove a few things down your throat for...

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Feeling overwhelmed by "Flooding"? conflict management marriage Jul 22, 2020

Dr. John Gottman writes:

We all know what it’s like to get carried off by some rough emotional currents when we are dealing with our mate. These aren’t the day-to-day flashes of anger or hurt. I am

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