The Reluctant Missionary

Authentic stories from the travels of Michael Smalley.

The biggest killers to sexual intimacy and how to eliminate them sexual intimacy tonight Jul 10, 2018

  1. The health of your emotional relationship

    1. If you donā€™t feel loved, you donā€™t want to show love

  2. The specific things you are doing to kill your sexual intimacy

    1. Invalidation

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Tonight: Top 10 ways to hack your husband's sex drive marriage sexual intimacy tonight Jul 02, 2018

  1. Initiate donā€™t hesitateā€¦ ā€œSo slide over here; And give me a moment; Your moves are so raw; I've got to let you know; I've got to let you know; You're one of my kindā€¦ā€

  2. ā€œHonestly, do you real

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Tonight - Top 10 ways guaranteed to turn your wife on marriage sexual intimacy tonight May 29, 2018

  • This is actually not that difficult! It begins and ends with placing high value and honoring your wife. Ā Make her #1 and sex is an outpouring of how much she feels loved!
  • Be a great dad! Sounds s...
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Tonight: oral sex, toys and so much more marriage sexual intimacy tonight May 21, 2018

  1. What kind of boundaries does the bible give around sex and marriage?
    1. Be honoring, kind, serving, patientā€¦.loving!
    2. Thatā€™s it!
    3. Leviticus 18:6-23
      1. 6 ā€œā€˜No one is to approach any close relative...
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New series Tonight: Why married sex is the best sex marriage sexual intimacy tonight May 08, 2018

Married sex is the best sex

  1. Why do a series of shows on sex? Married sex is the best sex!
    1. Because it seems as though this is the topic of conversation you, the listener is most interested in.
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