The Reluctant Missionary

Authentic stories from the travels of Michael Smalley.

Pursue unity quietly

conflict management marriage pursue oneness Feb 06, 2019

President Roosevelt's "day in infamy" and Winston Churchill's "never surrender" are two famous speeches setting the tone for today's show. We share a story from our past that I’m simply calling, the great American meltdown of NYC! Today we pursue unity through a story.

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Show Content:

  • Perhaps the greatest scripture in the Bible about taking a timeout is James 1:19, “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”  
  • This is the essence of what it means to take a timeout.  
    1. This is yet another verse in Scripture we need to live out by taking a timeout when we get upset.  
    2. It might be the best way of protecting your relationship from the four risk factors of divorce!
  • The best way to truly understand this concept...NYC and the great American meltdown!
    1. Amy just wanted to connect with her old friend
    2. I freaked out
    3. Do you remember what you said to me?
  • If we hadn’t taken a timeout, if I hadn’t done what we teach you to do during a timeout, I never would have gotten the insight I experienced.
  • We will finish the story in the Pursue Oneness online experience! Don’t hate me.  But you’ve got to get the course if you want to:
    1. Know what major insight I had on the ferry to Staten Island
    2. Learn how to take a healthy timeout
    3. The exact things you must do during a timeout
    4. Those specific questions you need to ask yourself during the timeout in order to keep it from being used for evil



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