Is it ok to walk away from your marriage?
Dec 19, 2017
Today we take on one of the shortest, yet intense question asked by a listener yet! I’ll just let you read it for yourself, “Is there a walking away point in marriage?” I don’t there? We’ll answer this question on today's show.
“My wife wants a divorce, I do not. She wants the four kids and I am supposed to move out. I want reconciliation, she says ‘No chance, ever!’ What do I do?”
- Respect the boundary even though it seems counterproductive
- Give her the space she is demanding
- Let her know you would love a chance to hear what you can do to repair the relationship, but you’ll be patient till she is ready
- In the meantime
- Get help
- Counseling, mentor, discipleship
- Make changes
- She needs to see and experience the change...not hear about it
- Let your actions do the talking for you
- Listen to our series A Hero’s Guide to Winning Back Your Wife