FLQ - separate churches and know it all 7yr olds
Feb 01, 2019
Could a couple go to separate churches and how do you handle a 7yr old know-it-all boy? All this today on Friday Listener Questions day!
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Voicemail question:
So again, my question is what is your thoughts about husband and wife going to two separate churches. We were going to separate he decided that he was going to go there. We didn't separate we work on our marriage and now we're back together, but now he wants me to fully commit to being there and I wish I was able to stay where we were since we were young.
Mia Albert
I’m at the dentist waiting for my seven-year-old, so I can’t call, but am hoping you will take my “FLQ” this way!! This isn’t a marriage question, but a parenting question and I have the utmost respect for you both as parents.
What do you do about a kid who argues about EVERYTHING?!? I mean he’s like a tiny lawyer. The other day he argued me how many sides a sphere has. None, it’s a ball, it has no sides! Yes, mom, it has an inside and an outside. We can’t help him because he knows better about everything than we do. I thought I had until the teen years, but here we are in first grade arguing about wearing a coat in -18° because he won’t get frostbite THAT quickly.