FLQ - Answers to questions you don't want to miss
Dec 08, 2018
Today we answer your questions, and they are incredible questions! But perhaps the thing you need to know most, is that I messed with Amy in the craziest way today...and she loved it! You might want to check out the Facebook Live video here.
Honoring News of the Day:
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Show Notes:
“I have been listening to your podcasts as I commute to work every day! Love your sense of humor and all the good information! My husband and I took your animal personality test and it sure explained a lot! I am a purebred Golden Retriever married to a Lion. We have just hit the empty nest stage of life with some mid-life crisis thrown in there too. Would love to hear a podcast on how to cope with this season of life! This Golden Retriever is just finding her voice! LOL” Sonya
We also take a question from the Q&A Hotline, dealing with empty nesters and mid-life crises. Then there are even more questions from the Facebook live folks that you will hear on the podcast.