Every hero has been humbled
Oct 03, 2017
- If you’re listening to this show, you might know of what we speak. “That’ll do Donkey...that’ll do.” Shrek
- You’ve blown it, now what?
- Accept the consequences of your actions
- Take ownership of your part only
- Respond with humility
- The Humble Hero
- Rocky 3 is a great example of humility.
- James 4:6: "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
- Humility is getting back on God’s side.
- Admit that you’re wrong
- Be willing to learn and grow
- God has a promise to humility (Isaiah 66:2) that we will be blessed when humbled
- Is like Jesus
- He came to serve...so you serve
- He came as a sacrifice...so you sacrifice
- He was dependent on God...so be dependent on God
- The pitfall of pride
- Stop telling her how you’ve changed and you’re a new man...show her!
- Respect her boundaries, that’s the true sign you’re changing
- If her heart is closed, the last thing you can do is close your heart.
- A hero’s actions
- “I was wrong, and if you’ll allow me, I’d love to know if there’s anything I can do to repair the hurt I’ve caused you.”
- Return hurtful words or actions with kindness
- Pray instead of reacting negatively toward your wife
- “Christ not only preached humility to others, he lived it himself. Though he was the Son of God, he was born in a cave. He worked as a carpenter. He composed no great work of art; built no towering edifice; assumed no great political office. He died nailed to a cross, the fate of a common criminal. He did all this willingly. And yet, he became the central figure in world history.” Tim Lanigan http://www.foryourmarriage.org/humility-foundation-for-marital-happiness/