Asking the all powerful question – Hero’s Guide to Winning Back Your Wife
Oct 31, 2017
We’ve landed on the seventh week in our series, The Hero’s Guide to Winning Back Your Wife. Today’s show could possibly be the most important of the entire series because you are going to learn the one question you have to ask. If you don’t ask this question, you’ll likely lose your wife. If you ask the question, and don’t follow through…well…let’s just say your hero’s journey could be over for sure.
- Ask the all powerful question
- “What can I do to repair the damage I’ve caused in our relationship?”
- This is your greatest roadmap to recovery
- It will validate her
- You will be received as a servant
- Follow through or kill the relationship
- If you don’t follow her roadmap, you can kiss the relationship goodbye
- It’s like setting off an atom bomb
- It will confirm her worst negative beliefs about you
- What could possibly cause you not to follow through?
- Pride, arrogance, selfishness
- You’re stuck on the details or facts
- You think it is unfair (so seek counsel about it)
- A hero’s actions
- Make sure you get the wording down before you speak to her or ask the question.
- Ask the dang question!
- Follow through